Great products sometimes need a complimentary backdrop to really cement their appeal. This can highlight the benefits of the product and help the potential user imagine experiencing the product or envisage it in their space or using it.

Emotions are key when it comes to sales. I can create a concept and come to your store and implement it for you. If you need to create a window display, leave it to me, I will ensure you have customers queuing around the corner to get in!

Seasonal Interiors

Creating that striking atmosphere to highlight the seasons traditions, whilst evoking a more memorable experience. I can create a concept, source all the products needed and create the displays.

Christmas is my favourite time of year and I just love to create a magical experience bespoke to your home and your taste. Christmas is all about family, friends, giving gratitude for what we have been given and reflecting on the year passed. Make it a magical time, by creating decor that gives your space a memorable atmosphere.

My christmas tree